A Summer Day

So I saw this on Ruffles and Stuff's blog and thought it was a fun idea and something to remember our summer days with. 
Our morning started at 6am (really it was earlier but I wasn't awake enough to take a picture!)

Dad left for work at 6am

Breakfast of Champions! 6am

7am doing a little play time (not sure what they were playing - but looks like someone is in jail!)

8am in the playroom now, playing  some more.  It took about a week and a half to get back into the groove of both of them being home and sharing and playing together.  But think we got it now!  Their Grandma plays with one and then the other, they get to choose an activity.  So I hear them saying "ok it's my turn, let's play lego's now"

9am a little sleeping bag time and cartoons

9am did a session (boy I am not in many pictures and holding the camera doesn't help - when did I get so old?)
10am went over to a friends house to play

11am still goofing around
12 noon Lunch (yikes my kitchen is messy!)

1pm - Some lego building

2ish - Pool time!

They are doing so good at swimming!

Almost 4 heading home from the pool!

5ish - dinner time (not a successful dinner - I tried something new - didn't work!)

6pm - More play time - Lego's and then we went outside - Boy it is hot here!

7pm - Brush teeth and shower time!

Books and Bed time! 
Wow!  What a fun summer day!  Hope you all enjoyed our summer day!
What do you do?