Nicole Z's Book Cover Photos!

It was so nice meeting Nicole Z!  Isn't she beautiful!  She wrote a book and needed a book cover picture... so that is where I came in.  Here is a little from the press release about her book!!!  Check it out!!! 

Author Nicole Zangara has signed with Brighton Publishing for her new book Surviving Female Friendships: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. With an eclectic mix of personal experiences from her own life, plus stories shared by a diverse group of women of all ages, Nicole presents a highly entertaining, funny, poignant, and thoroughly illuminating look at female friendships in the modern age. Her goal is both to educate and inspire, and to tear down any fears women may have about building the important friendships needed to make life so much more enjoyable in today’s world. The book is slotted for eBook release in late summer and print release in late fall. It will be available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book retailers nationwide. Distribution is being handled by Ingram, the world’s largest wholesale book distributor.

Surviving Female Friendships: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is an in-depth, humorous, and honest look at female relationships in the 21st century. In addition to insights and commentary from the author, included are true stories from women who have found both success and failure navigating the often turbulent waters of finding and managing friendships in an increasingly impersonal time in society. From meeting and making friends to the influence of social media, to modern day conflicts, romance, and even the grieving process, Nicole Zangara offers up great entertainment on the way to delivering keen insights to help us all be—and keep—better friends.